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We are tying the knot! 

30th of September 2022

Colina do Romão,



This is a story about a girl from the ever-green Minho region,  in the North of Portugal, and a boy from Drum, County Monaghan, in one of the four proud provinces of Ireland. 

In the pursue of their dreams, without knowing their paths would ever cross, they left their homes trying to do their best to relish this remarkable ride that is life.

Belfast, Cirencester, New Zealand, Porto, Lisbon and Brasil are many of the places life took them. But not once their paths crossed.

Despite that, and the fact that in a World with a 7.9 Billion population the odds of two people with so different starting points end up meeting is almost negligible, they made their way to each other.

"We always arrive where we are expected" Jose Saramago ( Marcia's favourite author) wrote once.

It seems like he was right. 

Their paths finally crossed in the breath taking Scotland.

They fell in love and decided to share their journey from then onwards.

We, Marcia and Lewis, are that boy and girl. 

And If you are at this page is because you mean a lot to us and we would love for  you to join us on the next chapter of our journey : Tying the knot!!! 

Our Story
30 Sept 2022, 14:00
Colina do Romão,
R. do Moleiro N266, 4775-460, Portugal
Getting There

getting there


Traveling to Portugal : The nearest airport is Porto Airport

The venue is not in a urban area but the nearest big city is Braga, where we advice you stay. But you can also stay at Porto, where the airport is.


From the airport to Braga : You can either rent a car from the airport to Braga - Please remember in Portugal you will be driving on the right hand side of the road. -40 min journey



Use the following link to arrange a shuttle connection from the airport to Braga :

On the wedding day: You can get a Uber/Taxi to and from the venue or drive there ( Free car park available) - 20 min journey. If you stay in Porto you may need to drive to and from the venue



There are several places to stay in Braga and Porto.

We advice you to stay as close as possible to the city centre.

You can look for accommodation either on an AirBnB or hotel.

There are a multitude of hotels at different prices and offering a different range of services.

Please let us know if you need help arranging accommodation or have any enquires in regards to the location you chose to stay.

Find here some information regarding places you should visit in Braga and Porto and how to travel between those cities. Braga itinerary suggestion - Porto itinerary suggestion



As we are so lucky to already have a home together, we have decided not to have a wedding gift list. Your journey to celebrate with us is enough of a gift.
However, if you still would like to mark the occasion

of our marriage with a gift,
then we would be more than grateful to receive a
contribution towards our honeymoon.
More than anything, we hope that you can make it on the day.

You mean a lot to us!

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